Package org.geotools.validation.attributes

Simple Attribute based Validation implementations.


Class Summary
AttributeValidation PointCoveredByLineValidation purpose.
DomainValidation DomainValidation purpose.
EqualityValidation Tests to see if an attribute is equal to a provided value.
GazetteerNameValidation GazetteerNameValidation purpose.
GazetteerNameValidationBeanInfo GazetteerNameValidationBeanInfo purpose.
GazetteerNameValidationBeanInfoTest GazetteerNameValidationBeanInfoTest purpose.
GazetteerNameValidationTest GazetteerNameValidationTest purpose.
NullZeroValidation NullZeroFeatureValidation purpose.
RangeFeatureValidationTest RangeFeatureValidationTest purpose.
RangeValidation RangeFeatureValidation validates that a number is within a given range.
SingleValueValidation SingleValueValidation purpose.
SQLValidation PointCoveredByLineValidation purpose.
UniqueFIDValidation Ensure every feature has a unique Feature Id specified by uniqueID.
UniquityValidation Tests to that an attribute's value is unique across the entire FeatureType.

Package org.geotools.validation.attributes Description

Simple Attribute based Validation implementations.

This package is used to store simple Attribute based Validation implementations. Many of these will be simple FeatureValidation implementations concerned with enforcing constraints on the attributes of a Feture.

At least a couple IntegrityValidation tests will also be implemented here performing such opperations as ensuring that an attribute is unique for an entire FeatureType.