
Maintains the GeoServer applicaiton state (This is the Application).


Class Summary
ApplicationState This class represents the state of the GeoServer appliaction.
AttributeTypeInfo AttributeTypeInfo represents AttributeTypeMetaData for GeoServer.
CloneLibraryTest CloneLibraryTest purpose.
Data This class stores all the information that a catalog would (and CatalogConfig used to).
DataStoreInfo This is the configuration iformation for one DataStore.
EqualsLibraryTest EqualsLibraryTest purpose.
FeatureTypeInfo Represents a FeatureTypeInfo, its user config and autodefined information.
GeoServer complete configuration ser for the whole server
GeoServerFeatureLocking GeoServer wrapper for backend Geotools2 DataStore.
GeoServerFeatureSource GeoServer wrapper for backend Geotools2 DataStore.
GeoServerFeatureStore GeoServer wrapper for backend Geotools2 DataStore.
GeoServerPlugIn GeoServerPlugIn purpose.
Log4JFormatter Log4JFormatter looks like:
NameSpaceInfo NameSpaceInfo purpose.
Service Default configuration for services.
UserContainer Represents a User for GeoServer.

Exception Summary
ConfigurationException Thrown when there is an error in configuration.

Package Description

Maintains the GeoServer applicaiton state (This is the Application).

Common state used by the GeoServer Servlets is maintained by this package.


GeoServer State Diagram

We would like to bootstrap this process using the STRUTS plug-in interface and store the GeoServer application state in the Web Container. Currently this information is accessed by a singleton, and bootstraped by the first GeoServer servlet request (JG - I think ).