Interface Response

All Known Implementing Classes:
CapabilitiesResponse, DescribeResponse, FeatureResponse, GetMapDelegate, GetMapResponse, LockResponse, TransactionResponse

public interface Response

The Response interface serves as a common denominator for all service operations that generates content.

The work flow for this kind of objects is divided in two parts: the first is executing a request and the second writing the result to an OuputStream.

  1. Execute: execute(Request)
  2. ContentType: getContentType()
  3. Writing: writeTo(OutputStream)

Note: abort() will be called as part of error handling giving your response subclass a chance to clean up any temporary resources it may have required in execute() for use in writeTo().

This is specially usefull for streamed responses such as wfs GetFeature or WMS GetMap, where the execution process can be used to parse parameters, execute queries upon the corresponding data sources and leave things ready to generate a streamed response when the consumer calls writeTo.

Method Summary
 void abort(GeoServer gs)
          Called when things go horriably wrong.
 void execute(Request request)
          Excecutes a request.
 java.lang.String getContentType(GeoServer gs)
          MIME type of this Response - example "text/xml".
 void writeTo( out)
          Writes this respone to the provided output stream.

Method Detail


public void execute(Request request)
             throws ServiceException
Excecutes a request. If this method finalizes without throwing an Exception, the Response instance should be ready to write the response content through the writeTo method with the minimal posible risk of failure other than not beeing able to write to the output stream due to external reassons

We should clarify when a ServiceException is thrown? I would assume that a "failed" request should still result in a Response that we could write out.

request - a Request object that implementations should cast to it's Request specialization, wich must contain the parsed and ready to use parameters sent by the calling client. In general, such a Request will be created by either a KVP or XML request reader; resulting in a Request object more usefull than a set of raw parameters, as can be the list of feature types requested as a set of FeatureTypeInfo objects rather than just a list of String type names


public java.lang.String getContentType(GeoServer gs)
                                throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
MIME type of this Response - example "text/xml".

thinked to be called after excecute(), this method must return the MIME type of the response content that will be writen when writeTo were called

an implementation of this interface is required to throw an IllegalStateException if execute has not been called yet, to indicate that an inconsistence in the work flow that may result in an inconsistence between the response content and the content type declared for it, if such an implementation can return different contents based on the request that has originated it. i.e. a WMS GetMap response will return different content encodings based on the FORMAT requested, so it would be impossible to it knowing the exact MIME response type if it has not processed the request yet.

There is some MIME stuff in JDK for reference:

the MIME type of the generated or ready to generate response content
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called and execute has not been called yet


public void writeTo( out)
             throws ServiceException,
Writes this respone to the provided output stream.

To implememt streaming, execution is sometimes delayed until the write opperation (for example of this see FeatureResponse). Hopefully this is okay? GR:the idea for minimize risk error at writing time, is that execute performs any needed query/processing, leaving to this method just the risk of encountering an uncaught or IO exception. i.e. FeatureResponse should execute the queries inside the execute method, and have a set of FeatureReader's (or results) ready to be streamed here. This approach fits well with the Chirs' idea of configuring geoserver for speed or full conformance, wich ends in just writing directly to the http response output stream or to a ByteArrayOutputStream

JG: Consider using a Writer here? GR: I don't think so, because not all responses will be char sequences, such as an image in a WMS GetImage response.

out -
ServiceException - wrapping of any unchecked exception or other predictable exception except an IO error while writing to out - ONLY if an error occurs trying to write content to the passed OutputStream. By this way, we'll can control the very common situation of a product of the client closing the connection (like a user pressing it's refresh browser button many times)


public void abort(GeoServer gs)
Called when things go horriably wrong.

Used try and restore application state when things go wrong. This is called by AbstractAction to try and recover when sending out a ServiceException.

Allows a Response a chance to clean up after its self when AbstractionAction is error handling.