
Interface Summary
QueryDataListener QueryData Listener interfaces.
SQLBuilder Provides an interface for SQL statement construction.

Class Summary
ConnectionPool Provides a ConnectionPool that can be used by multiple data sources to get connections to a single database.
ConnectionPoolManager Provides a Singleton manager of connection pools.
DefaultSQLBuilder Provides ...
JDBCDataSource This class provides a skeletal implementation of the DataSource interface to minimize the effort of required to implement this interface.
JDBCDataStore Abstract helper class for JDBC DataStore implementations.
JDBCDataStore.FeatureTypeInfo Stores information about known FeatureTypes.
JDBCDataStore.QueryData Provides an encapsulation of the connection, statement and result set of a JDBC query.
JDBCFeatureLocking A Starting point for your own FeatureLocking implementations.
JDBCFeatureSource A JDBCFeatureSource that can opperate as a starting point for your own implementations.
JDBCFeatureStore This is a starting point for providing your own FeatureStore implementation.
JDBCTransactionState Holds a JDBC Connectino for JDBCDataStore.
ResultSetAttributeIO Provides an AttriuteReader over a result set limiting the columns to a defined range.
ResultSetAttributeReader An attributeReader to read a sql ResultSet.
ResultSetFIDReader FIDReader for JDBC.
WKTAttributeIO An attribute reader/writer for well known text.
WKTAttributeReader An attribute reader for well known text.

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